Choose Care at Home! Support Presumptive Eligibility for Home-Based Care!

Please take a moment to contact PA senators to support this legislation. While these bills only address seniors, it is still a step in the right direction.

We need your help… just a few seconds of your time to help more seniors at home!

Last week, two extremely important pieces of legislation – Senate Bill 912 and House Bill 1829 – passed out of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Both bills would allow homecare and home health providers to offer home-based care while they wait for the extensive Medicaid financial eligibility process to be completed (known as presumptive eligibility).

Seniors often wait six to nine months for County Assistance Offices to review their finances in order to begin receiving care. Yet nursing homes can admit patients who are able to receive care right away while their paperwork is being finalized. This legislation would truly give seniors the choice to stay at home by offering that same expedited services to home-based care providers.

Ultimately, the decision about whether this legislation makes it to the Governor’s desk will come down to two key leaders in the Senate: Senators Jake Corman and Joe Scarnati. We MUST make sure ALL senators ask for their support!

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