For over a decade, Millcreek Township has allotted $20,000/year for EMTA/The E/The LIFT public transportation throughout 16 routes. They are now looking to drastically cut funding to only $2400 this year, which will allow only 6 routes to remain available for use. Without this funding, EMTA in Millcreek will go from 16 routes down to 6.
This funding is absolutely paramount to our community, as these cuts will DIRECTLY affect Millcreek Township residents, bus riders that travel to the Millcreek Mall, and any business in or around the Millcreek area. It will also effect anyone who has a medical appointment in Millcreek.
There is a Millcreek Township supervisor meeting on May 14th at 9:30 am. We are hoping to get as many people there as possible to show that our community cares about public transportation in Millcreek, and to prove that all of us will indeed be affected by this change. This meeting will be held at 3608 W 26th St, Erie, PA 16506. Please join us in attending this meeting and making our voice heard!
For any further questions or concerns, please contact Amy Cichocki at (814) 874-0064 or